Creative research and presentation with Petra Klusmeyer for Sonic Peripheries. 2013.
Sonic Peripheries 7 (sp7) was instigated by Petra Klusmeyer. Research and visual prompts were sent back and forth between Klusmeyer and Academy Records between 2012 and 2013. This visual research was used by Klusmeyer in her SP series while Academy Records used the visual and audio field recordings to mount an exhibition while on the SP residency at Galerie der Künstlerstätte Stuhr-Heiligenrode. The installation included al lworking drawings, photos and field recordings within the duel gallery space. For the opening a 30 minute guitar piece was composed and performed for the gallery goers.
The guitar piece consists of one electric guitar, one stereo echo pedal and two guitar amplifiers at opposite ends of the gallery. The rhythmic figure was played through the pedal, which splits the signal to the two amplifiers thus fracturing the picking pattern through the physical space. Each amplifier’s volume was quiet enough to not bleed into the other space. Due to the hard pan of the stereo pedal; as participants move through the space, the pattern effectively was only partially audible. Only in the space between the galleries will the entire rhythmic figure be discernible thus using sound to bridge one space into another. The piece has no set duration but a minimum of 30 minutes is required.