Defeat! Thus the Magpie, Rider of Leviathan, Herald of Saturn – The 9 Choirs
(Leconqueroo III Redux),
Performance with nine drummers and kits
Run-time: 45 minutes

A 45 minute performance featuring 9 drummers with basic rock and roll kits. The performance in this second iteration of the piece was set up in tight circles of 3 trios of drummers to form a loose arc. The entire battery of drummers begin in unison and keep the rhythm of the piece consistent until the halfway mark of the composition where a cymbal crash is added on the 1 of the 4/4 rock beat. This new element in the beat adds a shocking sonic element to the impact of the score and lifts the audience and the perceived tempo of the piece in total. At 45 minutes the coterie of drummers end together thus ending the performance. This is a remounting of the third element in the prior work Le Conqueroo held at the Hyde Park Art Center in Chicago, Illinois.

This performance featured drummers Anthony Elms, Alexander Garzone, Alex Hamrick, Dan Talbot, Seth ManchesterKyle StumpeJames Toomey, Eddie Villanueva, and Chris Vorhees.




Fielding Abstractions: From Here to There Eventually